Garden Trends Autumn 2024

Garden Trends Autumn 2024

Autumn has started again, and that means it's time to get our gardens ready for autumn again. But this autumn is not just about raking leaves and putting away the...

Garden Trends Autumn 2024

Autumn has started again, and that means it's time to get our gardens ready for autumn again. But this autumn is not just about raking leaves and putting away the...

Saving water with the SunnyTent pool dome

Save money with the SunnyTent pool tent

Nothing is more annoying than swimming in cold water, between leaves and blades of grass. Do you also catch leaves with a fishing net every day? Or does the swimming...

Save money with the SunnyTent pool tent

Nothing is more annoying than swimming in cold water, between leaves and blades of grass. Do you also catch leaves with a fishing net every day? Or does the swimming...

The benefits of the SunnyTent as a cover for your jacuzzi

Discover the benefits of the SunnyTent as a cov...

The SunnyTent is often used as a swimming pool dome, but did you know that it can also be used as a cover for your jacuzzi / hot tub? Enjoy...

Discover the benefits of the SunnyTent as a cov...

The SunnyTent is often used as a swimming pool dome, but did you know that it can also be used as a cover for your jacuzzi / hot tub? Enjoy...

SunnyTent The best activities for outdoor play in autumn

The best activities for outdoor fun in the autumn

What child doesn’t want to play outside all year round? Unfortunately, in autumn, it is often too chilly or wet to go outside. Yet there are plenty of fun and...

The best activities for outdoor fun in the autumn

What child doesn’t want to play outside all year round? Unfortunately, in autumn, it is often too chilly or wet to go outside. Yet there are plenty of fun and...

Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

“Shall we play at your house?” Marie asks, “Oh no, wait. It’s raining. We can't go on the trampoline ... ". "So!" Daisy!” Marie looks at her questioningly: "Won't we...

Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

“Shall we play at your house?” Marie asks, “Oh no, wait. It’s raining. We can't go on the trampoline ... ". "So!" Daisy!” Marie looks at her questioningly: "Won't we...

SunnyTent helps Olympic champion Sharon van Rouwendaal

Dutch invention helps Olympic champion Sharon v...

Now that the training options for Sharon van Rouwendaal have been minimized, a Dutch invention helps her to keep fit. During the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Van...

Dutch invention helps Olympic champion Sharon v...

Now that the training options for Sharon van Rouwendaal have been minimized, a Dutch invention helps her to keep fit. During the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Van...

Boaz turns the SunnyTent upside down

Behind the scenes at "Boaz turns the SunnyTent ...

On Thursday June 6th, 2019 the popular YouTubers Boaz van Boggelen and Jesse Heffels visited Bergeijk. Both vloggers share their free run ability and fun via social media. The number...

Behind the scenes at "Boaz turns the SunnyTent ...

On Thursday June 6th, 2019 the popular YouTubers Boaz van Boggelen and Jesse Heffels visited Bergeijk. Both vloggers share their free run ability and fun via social media. The number...

SunnyTent the beginning

The birth of the SunnyTent

Summer 2011 in the Netherlands. Sam smears peanut butter on to his bread roll while Anton takes another sip of his orange juice. Rein comes running downstairs in his swimsuit....

The birth of the SunnyTent

Summer 2011 in the Netherlands. Sam smears peanut butter on to his bread roll while Anton takes another sip of his orange juice. Rein comes running downstairs in his swimsuit....

The SunnyTent and the swimming pool after "hibernation"

The SunnyTent and the swimming pool after "thei...

As a test, Anton (the inventor) left his swimming pool out over the winter months covered with the SunnyTent and the cross pole set. And with success! The swimming pool...

The SunnyTent and the swimming pool after "thei...

As a test, Anton (the inventor) left his swimming pool out over the winter months covered with the SunnyTent and the cross pole set. And with success! The swimming pool...