Leave your pool outside over winter!

SunnyTent winter

Don’t feel like cleaning and taking your pool down to store it when the autumn comes? Now you don’t need to! Did you know that you can also leave the SunnyTent installed during winter! By reinforcing the round SunnyTent with a cross-pole set, it is even resistant to light snow and ice. Your swimming pool is then ready for the winter.

Extra reinforcement in winter weather

The round SunnyTent is quite sturdy and resistant to wind and weather. However, in the winter the weather conditions are often very varied. Strong winds, light snowfall and freezing weather become common in winter. If you want to allow your swimming pool to remain outdoors and set up over winter, you can with a SunnyTent. But it is advisable to reinforce the SunnyTent with a cross pole set to give extra protection against the challenges winter brings. The cross pole set provides extra reinforcement, so that your round SunnyTent is more resistant to wind, light snow and sleet. Note: The SunnyTent is not resistant to extreme wind, large amounts of snowfall or freezing rain. Always follow the user guidelines to prevent damage to your SunnyTent. Also check whether your swimming pool is resistant to frost and take appropriate precautions.

No more autumn leaves in your swimming pool

One reason to tidy up your swimming pool in autumn is maintenance. A large amount of leaves that fall from the trees this time of year can seriously pollute the water. The SunnyTent ensures that the water in your swimming pool stays clean throughout the year. This means you do not have to replace the water in the spring. By saving water, this is more environmentally friendly and easier on your wallet!.

The cross pole set is made of the same material as the regular pole set. It is covered with a black hose for extra strength. With the cross pole set you can leave your pool out in the open all year round! You can see the cross pole set for the round SunnyTent in the webshop.

Note: Due to their size, the SunnyTent Round XL and the Oval SunnyTents are wind sensitive. These tents are therefore, not suitable for use over the winter months.