Round Pool Domes

Looking for a pool dome? The round pool cover from SunnyTent is perfect for both round and rectangular pools, even inground ones. The SunnyTent serves as both a pool cover and pool heater in one. This means that dirt won't get into the water, and the water will be heated. At SunnyTent, we offer various sizes of round SunnyTents, with the most popular size being the SunnyTent Round L. If you have a large rectangular pool, opt for the oval SunnyTent. You can check which size SunnyTent fits your pool by using our size chart.

The SunnyTent is made of high-quality materials. The tent fabric is made of three-layer PE foil that is fused into one piece. This thick foil is also used in professional horticulture and is highly resistant to the sun. Additionally, the pole sets are made from strong fiberglass from Germany. The pool dome is entirely produced in Europe and meets European production standards.

The Benefits of a Round Pool Tent

The round pool cover from SunnyTent is the ideal way to cover your pool and keep it warm. No more cold or dirty swimming water! These are not the only benefits of the round pool tent. One of the other advantages is that the SunnyTent does not consume any energy to heat the water, meaning no energy costs! Furthermore, the round pool cover helps retain the water's heat, and you can enjoy it from spring to autumn. Because the cover is over the pool, it keeps the water clean, reducing the need to change the water as often, which saves you liters of water. You can keep the water extra clean using chlorine and other cleaning products.

When Can You Start Swimming with the SunnyTent?

Do you feel the urge to swim as soon as spring rolls around? So do we! With the SunnyTent round pool cover, you can extend your swimming season over several months. Typically, you can start swimming as early as April. Of course, it varies from year to year, but by then, there is usually no severe frost, and the temperature outside is between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. The SunnyTent functions like a horticultural greenhouse. From April to September, the average temperature inside a greenhouse is 25°C, so you can enjoy your pool or jacuzzi cover until September!

Ordering a Round Pool Cover from SunnyTent

The round pool cover from SunnyTent is stable in the wind. However, where you place the SunnyTent affects its wind resistance. If the tent is placed in a sheltered area, it can withstand stronger winds compared to when it is in an open space. In case of very strong winds or storms, be sure to fold the round pool tent in to ensure it stays intact. For added stability, we recommend using the cross pole set.

Are you planning to leave the pool tent up during the winter? This is possible, as the materials are winter-resistant. However, we recommend folding the SunnyTent if there is snow or ice, so the tent doesn’t bend under the weight of snow. For the larger sizes of the SunnyTent, we advise against leaving them outside during the winter. Due to its size, the tent remains vulnerable, even with a cross pole set. You can find more information in our manuals.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er en SunnyTent?

En SunnyTent poolkuppel er en type overdækning, der beskytter en udendørs pool. Den er en gennemsigtig kuppelformet struktur, der kan placeres over poolen for at give en række fordele:

  • Forlænget badesæson: SunnyTent skaber et kontrolleret miljø, hvilket holder poolvandet varmere, så du kan bruge din pool tidligere om foråret og længere ind i efteråret.
  • Øget vandtemperatur: Den gennemsigtige folie lader sollys trænge ind og opvarmer vandet, hvilket reducerer behovet for opvarmningssystemer og sparer energiomkostninger.
  • Mindre vedligeholdelse: Kuppelen beskytter mod blade, snavs og insekter, hvilket gør rengøring og vedligeholdelse lettere.
  • Energibesparelse: Poolvandet opvarmes naturligt uden behov for gas- eller elvarmere.
  • Æstetisk forbedring: En poolkuppel gør poolområdet mere attraktivt og indbydende.
  • Beskyttelse mod vejret: Den giver ly for vind og regn, så du kan bruge poolen under mindre ideelle forhold.

Kan SunnyTent installeres på et hårdt underlag?

Ja, SunnyTent kan placeres på en brolagt eller hård overflade. Det er dog vigtigt at sikre, at SunnyTent er godt fastgjort med et installationssæt til hårde overflader. Se vejledningen for detaljerede instruktioner.

Fungerer SunnyTent virkelig så godt?

Opvarmning af din swimmingpool med SunnyTent:

Ja, SunnyTent er meget effektiv til at opvarme din pool. Fra midten af maj til slutningen af august er temperaturen inde i teltet sjældent under 25°C. Poolvandet når typisk denne temperatur eller højere i denne periode – uden ekstra opvarmningsudstyr.

SunnyTent fungerer som et drivhus:

  • Sollys: Jo mere sol, desto varmere bliver vandet.
  • Vandmængde: Mængden af vand og starttemperaturen påvirker opvarmningsprocessen.

Hvordan opsætter jeg SunnyTent?

Opsætningen afhænger af størrelsen. Større modeller som XL kræver ekstra stænger. Se vores instruktioner og videoer for vejledning.

Generelle trin:

  1. Placer låsepæle på den rigtige afstand.
  2. Udskift låsepælene med hængslede ankre.
  3. Fold teltdugen ud og indsæt stængerne i forbindelserne.
  4. Placér SunnyTent mellem de hængslede ankre.
  5. Løft teltet op, så det danner en cirkel.
  6. Fastgør det med drejepæle og bardunliner.