When is it a good time to set up your pool?

When is it a good time to set up your pool?

Spring is upon us. The good weather makes you want to go swimming. But when is the best time to set up your pool? It differs from year to year, but generally you can start in April.

Outdoor temperature

By April, there is usually no more frost and the outside temperature is often around 10-15 degrees. This ensures that your swimming pool will not suffer frost damage, resulting in less pool maintenance. In addition, it is not too hot but also not too cold.

Less pool maintenance during the season

Because you set up your outdoor pool in good time, you can prepare it for the new season. Are any of the parts damaged? You still have enough time to order new parts. Swimming pool accessories are now cheaper than in the height of summer. Correct pH and chlorine levels are always important for your pool. This is easier to achieve in the preseason, because the pool is used less often.

Using the sun to heat up your pool

As soon as your pool is set up, it will be heated by the sun. By setting it up in April, your outdoor pool has plenty of time to warm up until you want to go for a swim. But, do you find it takes too long to heat up? You can heat up the pool water temperature with the help of a heat pump. Unfortunately, this uses a lot of energy. Another option is the SunnyTent. This pool dome works like a horticultural greenhouse. Inside a greenhouse the average temperature between April and September is about 25 degrees Celsius. As a result, your pool heats up quickly and you can enjoy your pool in April!