The birth of the SunnyTent

SunnyTent the beginning

Summer 2011 in the Netherlands. Sam smears peanut butter on to his bread roll while Anton takes another sip of his orange juice. Rein comes running downstairs in his swimsuit. "Dad, dad!" He shouts. "Can we finally swim today?" Anton looks outside. The pool is full of leaves and it is drizzling. His sons look at him full of expectation ... "Come on," he says, "get a towel, because it's cold!" Anton walks outside and tries to fish all the leaves out of the pool. The two boys are already diving in. Splash! "Aaah!" Sam shouts. "This is way too cold!" Shaking, Sam and Rein climb out of the pool. They grab their towels and run inside. Anton sighs: "Did I purchase a swimming pool for this?"

The first swimming pool dome

Although the summer of 2011 was wet, the weather was nice in spring and autumn. The children wanted to swim, but the water was too cold. "Wait a minute," thought Anton, "in a greenhouse it is nice and warm from April to September." In the spring of 2012, the first SunnyTent became a reality. It was a bit rickety, but already functional. The water remained nice and warm due to the horticultural greenhouse effect. And there were also no more leaves in the pool, another advantage! Anton's garden was the place-to-be throughout spring, summer, and autumn. Friends and girlfriends spent the days hanging out in the pool!

A good idea, and now?

Anton and his team further developed the SunnyTent in subsequent years. To check whether the SunnyTent actually does what it promises, Anton has had the pool dome tested. Various families started using the SunnyTent in 2014. Anton waited anxiously for the reactions. The result: the SunnyTent is a hit! Orders came streaming in before the SunnyTent even hit the open market in 2015.

The future of the swimming pool tent

In the meantime, 12,500 SunnyTents have been sold all over Europe! This success is the result of a not only a good quality product on the one hand but also years of development on the other. For example, in 2017 the Oval SunnyTent for rectangular and oval swimming pools came on the market. And we are not stopping there! Since March 2019 you can purchase a cross pole set. This makes the SunnyTent even stronger. Although Anton's children are getting older, he continues to improve the SunnyTent so that families throughout Europe can (continue to) enjoy the benefits.