Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

“Shall we play at your house?” Marie asks, “Oh no, wait. It’s raining. We can't go on the trampoline ... ". "So!" Daisy!” Marie looks at her questioningly: "Won't we get soaked?" Daisy laughs: “No, not with the SunnyTent. It is so high that we can jump in even when it is completely closed! " Marie doesn't need to hear more: "Come, let's go!" The girls put on their coats and get on their bikes. When they arrive at Daisy’s house, they are on the trampoline under the SunnyTent within a minute. The shoes fly out and the jumping can begin!

Daisy and Marie in the trampoline tent

Play outside under the trampoline tent

Children like to jump on the trampoline all year round. Unfortunately, it is often too wet and cold to play outside in spring, autumn and winter. This problem is solved with a SunnyTent as a trampoline tent. The largest SunnyTent is 3.20 m. High. This means that even tall children can jump and make somersaults under a closed SunnyTent. On a clean and dry trampoline, out of the brisk, chilly wind. Please note: The SunnyTent is only suitable for in-ground / built-in trampolines.

The transparent trampoline tent

Sleeping under a clear starry sky. How cool would that be? Because the trampoline cover is transparent, it can feel like you are sleeping in the open air. Time for a night under the SunnyTent? The transparent trampoline tent also has another advantage. You can always see the children play and jump, even in a closed SunnyTent.

Cover your trampoline in the winter

The SunnyTent can remain over the trampoline throughout the year. This protects your trampoline against wind and weather and therefore you extend the lifetime of your trampoline. You can even leave the soft, padded edge out in winter. The children can enjoy the trampoline all year round.

Marie, are you coming?” Her mother asks. “Okay, bye, Daisy!” Marie shouts, putting on her shoes and running to her mother. Still jumping, Daisy waves goodbye to her: "Bye Marie, see you tomorrow!".

"It was great fun, jumping under the SunnyTent!" “Yes, how long have they had it for?” Her mother asks. "Since last summer," says Marie, "they use it for the pool in summer and in winter, they use it for the trampoline. They always have nice, clean and warm water to swim in and we jump in the rain! "
" Hmm, now I am curious, "she replies.

Also curious about the SunnyTent? Discover the benefits of this trampoline tent.